Monday, October 8, 2012


Or at least apple juice and cider to make hot apple pie!

This drink is just about my favorite beverage come fall.. It's perfect for cool evening football games, crisp hay rides, and those last few bonfires! Served hot out of the thermos, it's the perfect autumn drink.

Hot Apple Pie
1 gallon apple juice
1 gallon apple cider
4 cups sugar
Cinnamon or cinnamon sticks
1 liter Everclear (or vodka.. It's cheaper!)

How to:
1. Simmer the juice and cider in a stock pot or in multiple batches in a smaller pot
2. Add cinnamon
3. Add sugar gradually
4. Once sugar is dissolved, remove from heat
5. Once kinda cooled off, add the liquor
6. Store in containers and heat up when you want :)

1 comment:

  1. I tried a store bought hot apple pie and it doesn't compare to Sannie's! :)
